Saturday, 8 March 2008

Seporta Day

I'm actually lazy to update this and all, but Fil asked me too, so yeah.

I'll just cite pasal ari sukan ah. My mother had to send me too school coz I had to bring the KRS' flag pole thing, which I loss in the end. Got to school, brought one long stick with me and my left boot is not tied. -.- The Kadets were there so joined them for awhile, tied my boot, and gave the stick to Amirah. Then the assembly.. Blah blah blah yada yada yada... Rules smules. Watever lah. Tried out my new EF-S 55-250 mm lens. =D I found out I could take pictures with it! It was weird but, whatever goes! Asalkan boleh ambik gambar, but its manual focus, because the cam is actually bermasalah. Now it's in a Canon place in Shah Alam being repaired. It was the same problem as last time. My brothers kasi pinjam kat my cousin dtg balik rosak, hantar repair baik balik. Now I gave to someone now dah rosak and is being repaired. Cause of problem..: Unknown.

Anyways, after assembly took some pictures and got ready for the Pembarisan Pelajar. Our bags, we just put them behind a teachers car terlonggok kat sane kalau langgar habis lah kamera aku ni dan bag2 budak2 KRS nie... KRS lambat sikit bersedia kat BB court untuk masuk padang. Faizal bagi arahan and we marched to our position on the field. Ustaz Ghani bace doa. Wokay, angkat tangan. Bendera Malaysia dah gerak. Followed by Pengankap and Pandu Puteri. Pengangkap punya kawat sempoi jer. Menang kalah takde feeling pun. Then PP was up next. We waited for our turn while hearing and watching the PP's formation. Now its our turn. Was kinda nervous though. We wowed the audience with our formasi ketiga which include the Tepuk2 KRS, Tepuk2 Periuk(maybe lah) KRS and Tepuk2 Melati(I think so) KRS. Everything went smooth until after the musuh di kiri dan kanan in our formasi keempat. Dorg lupe yang kena gerak 5 langkah kekiri dan kekanan. Pas tu tabit, pusing ke kiri and marched to our position.

Bapak penat diri and staring into space while waiting for the pembarisan to finish! My legs were in pain lah. My shoulders were aching and my ability to stay awake was little. I heard from Naufal that 5 people keluar baris because dah nak pitam kut. Adam beside me keluar during, well I can't remember. Habis pembarisan jer lega hati sikit. What I can't stand was when the pengetua was giving her speach. Feels like forever! Ucapan ringkas my foot lah! At least En.Abu understands. hahaha! Sikit jer dia cakap.

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