Thursday, 27 March 2008


Yesterday... My mom was talking to me about stuff of my dad.

My mom told that the sliding broke a bit at the back end. Rather than heping to fix it and repair it a bit, dad scolded my mom. Why this. Why that. My mom dalam tekanan. Ayah wants all the re-ceiling stuff done quickly, and yet, he does nothing to help around the house with stuff. He just sits on his bed and reads his book.

Its hard to see my mother suffer like that. I felt a lot of pain from hearing all of that. I kinda dislike my father because of those things. But as Mr. Ebenezer told my class this morning, "You must have a 'prinsip' in life which you can hold on to, and uphold it." or something like that. I have a prinsip of my own.

"Cikgu ke, Guru Besar ke, Orang Tua, Pengetua, Orang senior, PM ke, Semua kena dihormati. Pengetua yang teruk pun, masih pengetua anda. Kamu tidak boleh tukar. Kami hanya remaja, kita tidak boleh menukar dunia dengan suara kami kerana tiada telinga manusia yang akan mendengarnya. Mungkin dewasa yang berlainan. Walauapepun, kita perlu menghormati orang, walaupun mereka tidak menghormati kita. You respect me, I'll respect you."

Saya bukannya suka sangat pun akan Pengetua saya. Tapi saya tetap menghormati dia. Tidak menunjuk penumbuk di belakang dia seperti orang yang kurang menghormati orang.

The day before sports day was Wednesday 03/05. I called my brother, he said he couldn't buy the camera lens. Some days before I asked my father to pay for it. He looked like 'alahh. mintak duit jugak!' or something like that lah. i went down with an emotionless face and told my father, "Yah, Tak yah beli lah. Dah terlambat pun. Nvm lah nvm."

I went to my room and cried while talking to myself. Kenape lah aku kena hidup!? Kalau tidak wujud kat dunia ni, mesti ayah ngan mak tak de lah kena kluarkan byk duit for my own bloody kemahuan! Lebih baik aku tak hidup. Ayah takde lah kena kluarkan byk duit dah. Nanti ramai org gembira. Rase macam takde keinginan untuk hidup, macam takde gunanya hidup pun. Membazir duit mak bapak je. Cikgu cikgu aku pun dah lupekan aku. Kawan2 pun same je. Tiada gunanya lagi saye berada di tapak bumi-Mu Ya Allah. Ambillah nyawa yang Engkau kurniakan kepada ku, dan berikan kepada insan yang lebih memelukannya.

Banyak sangat rasanya untuk metuliskan di sini. Setakat sini sahaja lah. Sekian

Monday, 10 March 2008

Reunion? heh.. Thursday lah.

Couldn't sleep last night... Then auto sleep lah. Woke up about 5am, then watch a few episodes of Naruto Shippuuden until the latest one lah. I was excited about today's reunion. Unfortunately, only 7 came out of at least about 30 people from SKBB 2004. hehe.. Meharaj, Jer, Nick, Fathi, Fil, Oliver and Me.

Hariz came for awhile to my house. Main game and all, then went home I guess when I wanted to go to Meharaj's house, which is rightt in front of mine. Went there, stand around, waited for Meharaj's mom to get ready then we're off!

Got to BV2 and went to Delicious. Talk with the people there then a short walk for awhile then came back to Delicious then called a few people. Mostly, well all of them couldn't come. Ade hal hal dorang lah. So Jer came, then Oliver, then Nick. We were making a lot of jokes and laughing our heads off. After that we sat at our reserved tables. Borak borak. Then Fathi came. Oliver was showing off his phones... Then Filza came. We were making jokes about Meharaj whose mom looking after us. hahaha! Nick was like, eh let's just leave Meharaj alone and chow. We waited for awhile then we all ran away from Delicious.

After that we went to Marco's Pizzas. Fathi split up from us he wanted to get a haircut... I'll upload some vids here when I'm not lazy. This, I guess, was the first time that I hangout with these guys. So I had a lot of fun. I don't remember the timeline of where we went because we keep going through the same place. xP After Marco's we went through the shops opposite of BV2. Oliver was like ahead of us. Meharaj and Nick were in between Me, Fil, Jer and Oliver. Once we reached Czip Lee, we went back into BV2.

Nick said that Meharaj was brave or just plain stupid, coz he went in front of Delicious. hahaha... We sat behind the piano at the center of the building. We were like asking Jer to play the piano. Tetapi dia enggan buat demikian. hehe.. I traded my video cam for Filza's purse and cam. The guys went up first. Me and Filza were still downstairs. Ambik gambar something. Filza said, or something like this lah. Nasib baik Fariz datang, Or else I would feel left out. =] Something like that lah. It made me feel happy. Like I'm needed and have a purpose...


Anyways, we went to the second floor I think, the floor that connects the BVs by the Skywalk. Jer and Nick went to the toilets, Oliver and Meharaj went inside a.. Nike shop eh? Ape2 je lah. On the way to BV we found Khalilul. So talked with him on the way lah. The guys wanted to go to Playtime to buy games. After that we gathered at the area in front of the elevator. Made a lot of jokes! After that Meharaj invited us all to his house. None of us went. haha.. So he went back home with his mom. Khalilul had left then.Fil, Jer, Oli, Nick and I went back to BV2 again. Made a joke in the elevator. -.- Oliver went to Starbucks on the third floor I think, to see Kimmy. Me, Fil, Jer, and Nick went to MPH. We were making jokes in there. We danced! And snapped our fingers to a song they were playing. It was fun man.

Nick had to leave for some reason. Oh oh! It was raining. I bought myself a sign? Or something. And I bought one for Fil. Then we were playing with the escalator, not to touch the sensors lah. But failed. Then we took pictures of us three! =D After the scheduled photoshoot. hehehe... We played with the escalator again. And SUCCEED! HAHAHA! Then back to BV. Walk with them till outside of BV at the parking lot and waved goodbye. Got tuition lah.

I wondered why I felt so weak today. I have... Fever! About 47.78 Degrees Celsius I think. I knew when I got home. No wonder I felt daymn cold in class. So I guess I'm going to bed. Had a great day! That what matters. Instead of rotting at home... sigh... Nights!

Saturday, 8 March 2008

Seporta Day

I'm actually lazy to update this and all, but Fil asked me too, so yeah.

I'll just cite pasal ari sukan ah. My mother had to send me too school coz I had to bring the KRS' flag pole thing, which I loss in the end. Got to school, brought one long stick with me and my left boot is not tied. -.- The Kadets were there so joined them for awhile, tied my boot, and gave the stick to Amirah. Then the assembly.. Blah blah blah yada yada yada... Rules smules. Watever lah. Tried out my new EF-S 55-250 mm lens. =D I found out I could take pictures with it! It was weird but, whatever goes! Asalkan boleh ambik gambar, but its manual focus, because the cam is actually bermasalah. Now it's in a Canon place in Shah Alam being repaired. It was the same problem as last time. My brothers kasi pinjam kat my cousin dtg balik rosak, hantar repair baik balik. Now I gave to someone now dah rosak and is being repaired. Cause of problem..: Unknown.

Anyways, after assembly took some pictures and got ready for the Pembarisan Pelajar. Our bags, we just put them behind a teachers car terlonggok kat sane kalau langgar habis lah kamera aku ni dan bag2 budak2 KRS nie... KRS lambat sikit bersedia kat BB court untuk masuk padang. Faizal bagi arahan and we marched to our position on the field. Ustaz Ghani bace doa. Wokay, angkat tangan. Bendera Malaysia dah gerak. Followed by Pengankap and Pandu Puteri. Pengangkap punya kawat sempoi jer. Menang kalah takde feeling pun. Then PP was up next. We waited for our turn while hearing and watching the PP's formation. Now its our turn. Was kinda nervous though. We wowed the audience with our formasi ketiga which include the Tepuk2 KRS, Tepuk2 Periuk(maybe lah) KRS and Tepuk2 Melati(I think so) KRS. Everything went smooth until after the musuh di kiri dan kanan in our formasi keempat. Dorg lupe yang kena gerak 5 langkah kekiri dan kekanan. Pas tu tabit, pusing ke kiri and marched to our position.

Bapak penat diri and staring into space while waiting for the pembarisan to finish! My legs were in pain lah. My shoulders were aching and my ability to stay awake was little. I heard from Naufal that 5 people keluar baris because dah nak pitam kut. Adam beside me keluar during, well I can't remember. Habis pembarisan jer lega hati sikit. What I can't stand was when the pengetua was giving her speach. Feels like forever! Ucapan ringkas my foot lah! At least En.Abu understands. hahaha! Sikit jer dia cakap.