Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Bored as usual..

Hey, Good Evening fellow bloggers! Gonna tell ya what happened today.

Like every other day, woke up in the morning, toilet, pray, breakfast. Today's abg. Ezani's first day of work! He's a salesman, selling Streamyx broadband for Tmnet Streamyx at a certain location.. I knew that when he told my family and me later in the evening.

So, everyone's gone to work and I'm alone in my house... sigh... I tried and call Hariz, he said he's going to MV with his cousin. Called Aizat, dia kat kampung. Panggil Bandi,ckp bleh dtg. And he came at around 1230pm. So, I just needed company, he wanted to watch Heroes season 2, so he watch it while I eat, play a bit of ZTP and went online for the rest of the day but not at the computer... hehehe...

He watched Heroes till ep.4 then played ZTP, then I left him to play and went to my comp. At around 5, he came to and said, "nak chow dah". So I escorted him to the front gate and said farewell. Oh ya! My mom and atuk went to Melaka in the morning to deliver Abang's wedding invites to our very distant cousins.... and came back at 815pm. Kak Long also came because she had business with my mom, and i got to see Afzal again, my 'sebaya' cousin. They went back to Maluri around 9pm.

After that, we prayed Isyak. Then we cut ribbons for Kak Wani and Abg. Hisham's Majlis Perkahwinan this Sunday. While doing that we played Warioware: Smooth Moves, on Wii. Everyone was tired, they went to sleep, Abang working on some video and me writing this blog..

Kays! Till next time! Stayyy Blogging!! Nights!

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