Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Eid-ul Fitri 1430 H

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
to all muslims, Malaysians and everybody else!

I'm at the Royal Town of Sri Menanti, home to my mother and her mother before her. So anyway, Rewind!

Woke up early on raya morning, had nasi lemak for breakdast cause it was a Sunday then got my haircut after by mak. Solat sunat raya aidilfitri at the mosque as always but I met a few friends there.

Got back and I quickly readied mak's laptop, tripod and camera for our family photo.
I don't think I did a pretty good job with this. Ngeh.

After that we went to Grandparents at TTDI. The usual lah. Since Abang is back, he, kakak and Salma can come beraye at Taman Tun. But they came a bit late cause of delays when they were stilll in Shah Alam. All of us 2ent back by 6pm I think.

I heard Abang was going alone back to kampung, so I wanted to follow. Mak and ayah left at 9. Abang came at 10 I think. But we gerak-ed at 11 or 1130, cause we were busy plating GH3. =P Hard is HARD! Haha.

Got there, and everyone who saw Abang asked where's Salma. Kakak didn't want to go cause well... I guess she's tired. This year Abang started to get info on our family members from Kakak's side and from ours. And we knew that our side is the hardest cause of Pak Ngah Besar's family. So I'll blog more on that later. Right now my cousin wants to use my mom's laptop for a while.

Incase I fall I sleep, Nights!

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

So Very True

A painful feeling it is to go through. It's been frequently happening to me lately. Sigh.

English papers tomorrow. Sleeping on the floor again today. Nights.

Picture courtesy of:
Shannon's Tumblr.